Tuesday 14 February 2017

How to avoid getitng stuck in a style rut

I’m going through a bit of a style rut at the moment. I wish I had some profound reason for why this happens, but if I’m being completely honest I think I’m just a little bit fickle when it comes to fashion.
When I’m on the top of my game, I love my everyday wardrobe. It’s a mix of tailored jackets, intricate prints (bees are my current favourite), frayed denim, simple blouses and printed tees. On paper, these are the things I like, suit me and make me feel my best.
In theory, they’re the items that I try to invest the most time and money in – and for the most part, I do. I transition happily from season to season; adding the odd trend piece into the mix to keep things fresh.
But every now and again the balance tips and I give into too many impulse purchases and panic buys. A pretty ruffle, a bit of embroidery, a smattering of embellishment. My favourite staple pieces get lost under a sea of ill-advised purchases that I never wear and find months later bundled at the back of my wardrobe.

I’m not saying that it’s all bad. As I’ve said before, stepping out of my comfort zone has led to some great discoveries. Most recently, the realisation that I actually quite like pink, but if I’m being completely honest it’s also led to a lot of wasted money and is probably the reason I find myself caught up in these bi-annual style ruts.
So this year, I’m following my own advice and turning over a new leaf. Here are my tips, and in my case strict rules, for making any style-related purchase – whether it’s a leopard print scrunchie, a pair of denim dungarees or that amazing camel blazer.
1. Work with what you’ve already got
Years of panic buys, impulse purchases and “magpie moments” have left me with a wardrobe full of mismatched pieces. They work perfectly well on their own, but when you put them together there are very few team players.
So, this year I’m trying to think of my wardrobe as a bit of a capsule collection; considering what colours, styles and textures will work with my current wardrobe. Does it fit nicely with what I’ve already got, or does it add a fresh twist to my favourite staples?
2. Is it worth the money?
I can’t tell you how many blazers and blouses I’ve bought only to realise that they’re not quite the right cut, fabric or fit – and it’s usually because I’ve bought them on a whim and haven’t really done my homework.

They tend to only last a couple of months, before they start to feel tired and tatty around the edges – and I start feeling like I’ve got very little to wear.
This year, I want to invest more money on my staples; spending a little more time and money trying to get them right.
3. Does it make you feel your best?
As much as I’d love them to, there are some items that just don’t work for me. I absolutely love denim dungarees and bomber jackets, but unfortunately at 5”3 they just don’t work.
I’m sometimes guilty of buying into trend pieces that I know won’t make me feel my best. I tend to wear them once, before stuffing them in the back of my wardrobe never to see the light of day again.
This year, I’m trying not to get caught up in these magpie moments and try to stick to things that I know will suit my look, style and personal taste.
I'm wearing:
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